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Scaling lone worker solutions: a guide for large organisations

Written by LONEALERT | May 22, 2024 9:50:11 AM

Discover the best strategies for implementing and scaling lone worker solutions in large organisations.

Challenges of scaling lone worker solutions

We understand that scaling a lone worker solution in a large organisation can present several challenges. One of the main challenges is ensuring that the solution can effectively cover all areas where lone workers may be present. This can be particularly difficult in large organisations with multiple locations and departments.

Another challenge is ensuring that the lone worker solution is scalable to accommodate the needs of a growing organisation. As the organisation expands, the number of lone workers may increase, and the solution should be able to handle this growth without compromising on performance or reliability.

There may also be resistance or pushback from employees when implementing a lone worker solution, especially if it involves changes to their daily routines or working practices. It is important to address these concerns and provide clear communication and training to ensure successful implementation and adoption of the solution.

Implementing a scalable solution

When implementing a lone worker solution in a large organisation, it is important to start with a comprehensive assessment of the organisation's needs and requirements. This includes identifying the different types of lone workers, their specific job tasks and the potential risks they may face.

Based on this assessment, a scalable solution can be designed and implemented. This may involve a combination of technology, such as mobile apps or wearable devices, and protocols or procedures to ensure effective communication and response in case of emergencies.

It is crucial to involve key stakeholders and departments throughout the implementation process to ensure collaboration, and to ensure that everyone is on board. Training sessions and workshops should also be conducted to educate employees on the benefits and proper use of the new solution.

Training and communication

Training and communication are essential for the successful implementation of a lone worker solution. Employees need to be trained on how to use the solution effectively and understand the importance of adhering to lone worker safety protocols and procedures.

Regular communication is also important to keep employees informed about any updates or changes to the lone worker solution. This can be done through various channels such as email, newsletters or team meetings. 

It's important to establish a culture of safety and support within the organisation. This can be achieved by promoting open communication, providing resources for mental health and wellbeing and recognising safe practices.

Utilising technology for efficiency

Technology plays a crucial role in scaling lone worker solutions. Lone worker management tools such as The OWL can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of a lone worker solution.

Mobile safety apps can be used to locate lone workers in emergencies and provide them with two-way communication functionality with emergency responders. Wearable devices, such as panic buttons or lone worker safety watches, can also be utilised to ensure the safety of lone workers in high-risk environments.

Reports from The OWL Portal provide valuable insights and trends, including lone worker engagement and other important information such as device stats and alarms. 

Measuring success and continuous improvement

In a large organisation it is essential to ensure a lone worker solution is effective, whilst also identifying areas for improvement. KPI's can be established to evaluate the performance of the solution and track progress over time. Common KPIs for lone worker solutions include compliance with lone worker protocols that have been set out, as well as employee satisfaction.

Continuous improvement is crucial to ensure the long term success of a lone worker solution. It is recommended that regular reviews and evaluation are conducted, to assess the impact of the solution and make necessary adjustments or enhancements.