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Does every lone worker need their own lone worker device?

Written by LONEALERT | Feb 5, 2025 11:01:07 AM

Implementing a lone worker solution across your organisation can be a big task. It can also be costly and so it's understandable that you'll want to know you're buying the right solution, the right quantity of devices and be able to get the support you need, when you need it. Here we advise on whether every lone worker needs their own device or whether they can be shared. 

Can my lone workers share devices?

Your lone workers can share lone worker devices if;

  • they work in the same place (e.g. a factory site)
  • are not working on the same shift
  • AND you are confident that the devices being shared will have enough battery life to last for the entirety of these shifts

DO NOT be tempted to let a small group of lone workers working on the same site share a device during a shift. This is dangerous. Even if they work in close proximity, if they can't see or hear each other they MUST have their own devices as they are working alone.  

For some organisations there is an obvious need for every lone worker to have their own device (for example if they don't have a fixed place of work and are out in the field most days). For others, where employees work at the same site and there are different shift patterns sharing devices can work. In this case you will just need to consider; 

  • the battery life of your devices (will they last long enough to cover each shift or will there be enough time to charge devices between shifts?) 
  • how you will know which lone worker has which device (for example you may need to label devices) 
  • how you will ensure no one goes home with their lone worker device (we recommend setting up a lone worker station where devices are kept when not in use and where they should be charged). 

If this is something you'd like to discuss with us, then book time to talk with one of our team. 


If my lone workers share a device, how will I know who has which device & when?

If your organsiation chooses to share devices between lone workers you, as a manager, are responsible for creating a system for how you will know who has which device and when. You can do this in whatever way is best for you and your organisation however we recommend;

  • Creating a "lone worker station." This is where lone worker devices are kept when not in use and where they will be charged. 
  • Label devices with either the names of your lone workers or a number or code relevant to your organisation. 
  • Ensure your lone workers use, and share, the same device each time so you can identify who is using which device in The OWL portal easily. (For example Paul always passes his device to Helen at the end of his shift/ at the start of hers). If this is not possible, at the beginning of each shift check who has which lone worker device and make a note of this so that all managers and supervisors are aware. 


How do I make sure my employees don't mix up their devices?

Again, if your lone workers are sharing devices it is your responsibility to set up a system which ensures devices don't become mixed up. The best way to do this is by labelling your devices and ensuring the label names you have used are also reflected in The OWL portal. 

You could label by;

  • names (e.g. Emily/Matt)
  • number (e.g. Lone Worker Device 1)
  • the devices' phone number
  • the devices' IMEI or serial number

If you are labelling using any of the above numbers you MUST ensure that you know who is allocated to which device. For example, that Alice, James and Billy use Lone Worker Device 1. Alice uses on the 6am - 2pm shift, James uses on the 2pm - 10pm shift and Billy uses on the 10pm - 6am shift.  


What happens if one of my lone workers leaves the organisation?

If one of your lone workers leaves your organisation;

  • You should delete them from The OWL portal
  • AND inform us by contacting support@lonealert.co.uk
  • If needed we can also reallocate their device if you have a new employee starting or someone replacing their role.  

If you have any other questions regarding your lone worker devices and sharing them we are always here to help. Call us on 0330 999 8484 or email support@lonealert.co.uk